Booking Process

Courses are run at various times of day during the week in different community venues across Surrey Downs, including some evenings.

The Available Courses section shows the upcoming EMPOWER courses across Surrey Downs. You can view the details of the course by using the + to expand the course details (the - hides the details again). To book a place on a particular course select the Book a Place button in the course details. You will then be directed to identify your GP and provide some details about yourself. To book a place using the online service you must have a valid email address.

Please select a course with at least 2 spaces available if you would like a carer to attend the course with you, one space for yourself and one for your carer.

Alternatively, you can call us on 0800 852 7460 or speak to your GP or practice nurse who can register you on an EMPOWER course.

Diabetes Diagnosis

Have you been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?

Available Courses

You must have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes to book on an EMPOWER diabetes education course. If you have please select Yes in the options above.